Why Canines Caffeine?
I wouldn’t look too deep into it— That being said I’ve been thinking about it far too much. Enough to start a passion project on it. I don’t think my iteration of this meaning will be as poetic as some can make it sounds but in layman's terms, it’s a motto. You don’t really need anything to get you pumped for life. 
It started as a list of things my partner and I would need to take with us if we were to leave everything behind and sure, you can say the name was inspired by our scruffy friend. He’s inspired us in so many other ways that I would have never expected. Happy to wake up in the morning, he stretches a lot, and is always ready to get going at the blink of an eye. He doesn’t need caffeine, life is his caffeine. I’m happy I’ve been taught a lesson from somewhere I would have never thought. 
So why start a clothing line vs just writing that mushy story of your dog on a blog somewhere? No real reason. 
I think there’s a bigger lesson here. These little friends of ours have no idea what they're doing, they don’t know how they effect people’s lives and to a certain extent, neither do we. Yeah, maybe there’s a charm to living life with an ignorant bliss. (I can very well just make a bunch of cheap shirts with a dog drinking a cup of tea and call it a day. That would be way less work than this.) But if there's a lesson I have learned here, we don’t really know how we effect the people and our environment around us. 
So, where am I going with this? I said it earlier, I wouldn’t look too deep into it. I’ve taken inspiration from moments and thoughts with my canine friends. We have manifested a take on this feeling and appreciation for life around us. 
A long line of design and clothing manufacturing behind us. Our instincts are to make this line represent something to look forward too— A lasting friendship. We are creating a space where it’s easy to find quality goods that are heading in the right direction. The fashion and (but especially) manufacturing has opened our eyes into how much waste and garbage is being shoved into the world. We do not want to be apart of that. Our goal is to hopefully aid in a positive outlook on life but also to be a source of education. A community committed to creating a sustainable future because not only is it the responsibility of the average citizen to make more ethical choices, it should be a part of the retailer's responsibility too. This is why we have taken it upon ourselves to provide and educate on the options and choices of affordable alternatives. Longevity through clothing, longevity for life around us. It’s the future of our family, kids and the animals on our planet. We have the tools to share and show the means to make it, why would we not help promote one another. Things shouldn’t be so complicated. 
So you found our attempt to represent a natural drive. We thank you for being here with us. 

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